One of the most important things a home needs to remain comfortable and clean is the ideal level of humidity.
Our goal is to have a home that’s not too moist but also not dried out, and not achieving this perfect balance can cause all sorts of problems from mold growth due to excess moisture to dry skin from an arid environment,
If your home suffers from high humidity levels you’re probably already aware of it due to the obvious signs, with the worst one being mold.
Most people’s first assumption would be to invest in a dehumidifier, but these expensive devices might not always be necessary.
There are ways that you can reduce the humidity levels in your home naturally and without spending any money, so a dehumidifier should be your last option.
We’ve found five ways to reduce humidity levels naturally and easily so you can give them a shot before having to spend money on pointless appliances.
Achieving the perfect balance of moisture in your home will lead to many benefits from improved well-being to an overall cleaner and healthier living environment, so it’s definitely worth putting them to the test.
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What Causes High Indoor Humidity Levels?
Having excess moisture in your home can cause many issues, but what exactly causes these indoor humidity levels to rise?
Most people assume that the outdoor weather is the main factor but there are actually a few different things that can contribute to the moisture levels inside of your home and it usually has little to do with the temperature outside.
High levels of humidity indoors are caused by having more water vapor in the air, as compared to relative humidity which is the standard level of water vapor found.
Inside the home, this can be caused by a lack of proper insulation and ventilation, heating appliances, and everyday activities like cooking or taking a shower.
There are some easy fixes to this problem, and most of them cheap or free to do, but in addition to improving the humidity, you also need to target the source of the problem.
This could be a plumbing issue or incorrect ventilation, so every aspect should be considered.
There are serious consequences to having high levels of humidity inside including structural damage to your home, creating a breeding ground for dust mites, and making the perfect environment for mold to grow.
Therefore, you want to take steps to reduce the humidity in your home through natural methods that will be safe for you and your family to live with.
Plants Can Help to Remove Moisture and Humidity in Your Home
One of the most effective ways to remove excess moisture in the home is by placing a few plants around it.
There are some species of indoor plants that can actually draw moisture out of the air and reduce humidity levels, so all you have to do is place them carefully in your home and let them work their wonders.
Some house plants work like natural dehumidifiers and they draw excess moisture out of the air, and others can also purify the air as well.
Although most plants are capable of this task at some level there are some that perform better than others, and you’ll want to invest in a few:
Peace lily
The peace lily absorbs moisture through its leaves but also requires regular watering of the soil in order to thrive.
In addition to helping with humidity levels, they can also purify the air and give a cleaner living environment, and they don’t need much sunlight to grow and stay alive.
Reed palm
Reed palms are perfect for indoors because they don’t need a lot of sunlight and they’re commonly found in humid parts of the world.
They absorb moisture through their leaves and can grow quite large, but you do have to keep the soil as moist as possible in order for it to do its work.
Boston fern
The Boston fern does its best work in warm and humid climates so it’s ideal for homes dealing with excess moisture problems.
The plant has been shown to absorb moisture from the air and also balance the humidity levels, so it’s like having a dehumidifier and thermostat all in one.
English ivy
This plant is known for its ability to remove mold spores found in the air so it’s especially effective.
Keep your English ivy hanging high and it will be able to trap the mold in the air while sucking out excess moisture at the same time.
Shorter Showers Will Reduce Humidity Levels in Your Home
Taking a shower is something most of us look forward to in our days, whether it’s to pep up for the morning or unwind and relax after a long day.
Although nobody wants to reduce the time they spend in the shower, doing so can actually have a dramatic impact on humidity levels in the home.
Most people have warm showers and in doing so, create steam from the water which turns to condensation.
This dramatically increases the levels of humidity in the home and it then sticks to cool surfaces like walls and ceilings which are common problem areas for mold to grow.
Even a cool shower still has the potential to add moisture to the air so adjusting the temperature isn’t an easy fix.
In addition to reducing humidity, taking shorter showers will do wonders for your energy bill and the potential impact on the environment.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, showers make up around 17 percent of a home’s energy bills and the average American home uses 40 gallons of water each day just to get everyone showered.
Making a conscious effort to reduce the time spent here will help to save money and the environment as well.
Speak to the members of your household and let them know that showers should be shortened to less than four minutes per person, and make use of a timer until you get used to your new bathing routine.
Proper Ventilation Will Improve Air Quality And Reduce Moisture Levels
Having a constant movement of air in the home is an easy way to reduce the buildup of moisture which leads to mold and mildew.
There are many ways to easily improve ventilation without jeopardizing your comfort, so consider making these small adjustments.
Fans are known for creating low energy circulation when compared to other appliances so you’re able to keep the air moving and get the moisture out when they’re on.
You can use them just while cooking or showering to help reduce moisture, or depending on the temperature outside they might be needed all day long.
Opening windows and doors
The cheapest and simplest approach is to make some adjustments to the doors and windows around your home so that fresh air can come in from outside.
Opening doors and leaving just screen doors shut will let a natural breeze in and create a cross draft which can bring moisture out of the air.
Making an effort to open windows around the bathroom or kitchen where high levels of humidity are found will be the most effective.
Ventilation systems and dehumidifiers
Investing in a home ventilation system or dehumidifier can be helpful for those who don’t have a lot of access to fresh air.
Depending on how much space you’re working with you can purchase a ventilation system to suit that size.
Heating the home
By keeping your home at the right temperature, you can actually improve your ventilation methods, so having insulation and heating in place can be helpful.
This reduces the growth of mold on colder surfaces like walls and ceilings even if there’s moisture in the air.
Using Kitty Litter To Absorb Moisture From The Air
Sometimes there are effective home methods we can use to remove moisture from the air, and kitty litter is one that might surprise you.
Kitty litter is made of absorbent materials so that when your pet goes to the bathroom in their litter box it’s able to soak up the excess moisture.
With that logic in mind, you can actually use kitty litter as a way to reduce dampness in the air and get rid of high levels of humidity.
There are many types of kitty litter available but the most effective seems to be any made with a desiccant, which includes clays and silicas.
A desiccant removes moisture from the area and is used not just for kitty litter, but keeping other items like food and supplies moisture free so they don’t get corroded, rust or become spoiled.
Calcium chloride, or salt, is a common ingredient found in kitty litter and one of the most powerful natural dehumidifiers.
Once it comes into contact with moisture it absorbs it and turns into a liquid, so you can set up some homemade dehumidifiers using kitty litter around the home to make use of this approach.
To make a simple home dehumidifier you can place a large scoop or kitty litter into a sock. Hang the sock wherever there’s excess moisture, like the bathroom or kitchen, and place a bucket or bowl directly underneath it.
As the calcium chloride within starts to absorb the moisture it will melt and drip into the bucket so you can easily dispose of it.
Repair Water Leaks to Keep Moisture Levels Down
Dealing with excess moisture and humidity in the home can sometimes be a simple as fixing a few leaks around the home.
Damaged pipes, dated appliances, broken seals, old tiling work, and rusted faucets are just some of the areas that can be causing excess moisture and should be checked regularly to make sure they’re not the issue.
To do a check of your home for any of these problems, just take a careful look at anything that uses water. The waste pipes and connections should be checked for leaks or damage, and you can do a visual check around the house to look for water, mold growth or excess moisture that seems out of place.
Sometimes it will be as easy as spotting obvious leaks with signs like a dripping faucet, puddle on the floor or huge moisture patch on the ceiling, but otherwise, it might not be so apparent.
Hiring a plumber to give your home a once over and point out any potential problem areas is well worth the cost, and could even end up saving you money on your energy and water bills.
Natural Solutions to the Problems That Humidity Causes
Most people assume that humidity is something we only have to think about when we’re on a tropical island holiday, but it actually affects our everyday lives.
Higher levels of humidity indoors can cause many problems including the growth of dangerous mold or an invitation for pests like dust mites to breed.
Thankfully, there are plenty of ways we can bring these levels down safely and naturally so that our homes are healthy environments for our family to live.
We can’t always feel for ourselves when humidity might be reaching a dangerous level, so taking a few preemptive measures like repairing water leaks and ensuring insulation and ventilation around the home is the best approach.
Once problems like mold growth start to appear, they can be quite difficult to get rid of.
With that in mind, tackling excess moisture and high humidity is something we all need to be mindful of for the health of our homes and our loved ones that live there.