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Mold Resistant Paint - Does It Really Work?

Mold Resistant Paint – Does it Really Work?

When it comes to eliminating mold from your home, there are various tools and strategies are required. However, one of the first things you should do is learn about the underlying causes of mold such a stagnant air and excess moisture.

This will teach you to increase your home’s ventilation and reduce humidity levels in order to prevent mold from thriving. 

However, the reality of the situation is that most of us have really hectic schedules. We don’t have the energy to constantly think about mold and its underlying conditions.

However, the good news is that there are certain precautions that you can take from the onset to ensure that mold is something you never have to deal with inside your home. And one of those solutions is mold-resistant paint.

So does mold-resistant paint really work?

Although it is available in stores and available for anyone to purchase, what every potential consumer wants to know is does it really work and if so, how does it work?

Okay, so the short answer is that it does work and how it works is that it contains an antimicrobial property or substance that prevents mold from penetrating through the paint and feeding on the surface behind the paint to feed and colonize.

In the following guide, we will take a look at the advantages of mold-resistant paint and why you should be using it in your home.

What is mold-resistant paint?

Basically, mold-resistant paint covers up your walls like any other paint, however, the difference between this paint and any other paint is the fact that mold-resistant paint contains an antimicrobial property that gives extra protection to any surface that it is used on.

Ultimately what this does is prevent mold spores from penetrating the paint layer and getting through onto the surface behind the paint and feeding on that surface. So at the end of the day, this prevents the mold from reproducing.

What happens if I paint over mold?

What Happens If I Paint Over Mold?

Painting your home is probably one of the most exciting ways to update and refresh your existing space. But what happens when you spot mold during the painting process? What do you do? Painting over mold may seem to be one of the simplest and easiest solutions to an annoying problem however this could not be farther from the truth.

For the record, painting over mold is definitely not recommended.

So why shouldn’t you paint over mold?

Painting over the mold simply delays the inevitable process and may put your family’s health at risk as well. The long-term consequences of painting over mold include:

  • Personal and family health
  • Home safety
  • Long-term costs
  • Property damage

When you paint over mold, all you’re doing is covering up the problem and not really getting rid of it. The paint will not fix the source of the mold which is usually excess moisture, or a leak somewhere behind the wall.

In fact, painting over the problem will make it worse.

Paintable mold will not stop it from growing or spreading. Mold will continue to grow on walls and surfaces such as drywall or other material whether the material is saturated or not.

So what happens when you paint over mold?

When you paint over mold, you could be putting your family’s health at risk. It will not kill the mold or stop it from growing.

In fact, mold can cause severe nasal stuffiness, throat irritation, wheezing, skin and eye irritation, coughing, respiratory irritation and many more reactions in people with weakened immune systems.

So with that said, as mentioned before paint will not kill mold either would it stop mold from spreading.

For many homeowners, painting over mold is a quick fix and it’s also probably one of the cheapest ways to cover up an annoying problem, or so they think.

Painting over mold will only cause the walls to go back to its original form of chipping, bubbling and flaking paint in no time at all. Ultimately, this can cost you more money because you need to call in a mold remediation service, which is what you should have done in the first place.

So what can you do instead of painting over the mold?

You should choose to give your family a safe and healthy environment.

When you make this decision, your next step should be to contact a professional mold remediation company to make an assessment of the mold and the source of the problem. So basically what you need to do is to eliminate the cause and the likelihood of future mold issues before even thinking about painting your walls.

Can you paint over mold-resistant paint?

Can You Paint Over Mold-Resistant Paint?

Once you’ve used a mold-resistant paint on your walls, you’re not likely to want to go back to using ordinary paint or painting over your mold-resistant paint.

This is because you know that your mold-resistant paint contains antimicrobial properties which will help to keep mold at bay. So it is highly possible to paint over mold-resistant paint, but it is not recommended at all. 

Mold resistant paints are actually designed for rooms with extra moisture in the air such as the bathroom, kitchen, basements, garages, and attics.

However, it can be used in pretty much any room inside the home. It won’t solve moisture problems, however, it will make mold harder to spread across walls. 

This is why it is highly recommended to use a mold killing paint rather than a mold-resistant paint on your walls, first. In some cases, using a mold-resistant paint over mold infestation will not kill existing mold.

The mold will keep producing however it will not eliminate the mold that is already existing on that surface. But by using a mold killing paint, you will ensure that you kill the mold completely. After you’ve done this, you should clean that area perfectly, dry it off and then use the mold-resistant paint afterward. 

Is mold-resistant paint toxic?

Mold resistant paint is extremely effective as it contains an antimicrobial property that deters the growth of mold. It is also FDA certified so you can rest assured that it is 100% safe to use inside your home. Although it will not eliminate existing mold, it will prevent mold from spreading. 

This type of paint is frequently used and recommended for high moisture areas such as basements and bathrooms. What it ultimately does it locks out moisture and prevents mold from growing.

How long does mold-resistant paint last?

How Long Does Mold-Resistant Paint Last?

Choosing to use mold-resistant paint gives your walls protection against mold and fungus for anywhere between 4 to 6 years. Mold resistant paint does contain special ingredients that help to slow down the growth of mold however it does not permanently kill it.

So you must apply the paint based on the instructions. Further to that, in order for the paint to last approximately 4 to 6 years, you need to ensure that the wall is thoroughly disinfected, cleaned and dried before you apply the mold-resistant paint.

In addition to this, you should use primer, sealant and paint guard as well to make the mold-resistant paint go further. 

Is mold-resistant paint also moisture resistant?

Mold resistant paint can be compared to regular paint except that it contains antifungal ingredients. While it doesn’t actually stop fungal growth, it drastically reduces the spread of mold. It’s effective in resisting the growth of mold in dry and wet areas.

The truth is much as one of the main contributing factors to the growth of mold is excess moisture. Therefore mold-resistant paint will not only kill most of the mold but will protect surfaces from water absorption. Spores will not seep through into the surface behind the paint and this eliminates another problem which is hidden mold issues. 

Since this paint prevents water absorption, it is ideal for use in bathrooms and toilets. It is also perfect for use on drywalls and ceilings. And can last anywhere between 4 to 6 years. 

How to use/apply anti-mold paint

Applying mold-resistant paint requires specific steps in order for the coverage to be perfect and effective. The moment you spot moldy, moist and dirty surfaces, you need to clean that part before painting. 

Start by cleaning the moldy spot. So what you need to do is make sure that the area is clean. Scrub all the mold off with a disposable brush and bleach mixture. Ideally, you should mix 1/8 of bleach and 1 quart of water to make the solution. 

Next, you should dry the spot thoroughly. So pull out any ventilation sources or install a dehumidifier to help in this process. You can also use the help of a fan to quicken the drying process. 

In this step, you should apply the primer. Protect the areas that have the most mold risks by applying mold-resistant primer You can apply it to the ceiling and the lower wall near the floor as well.

You can also use it on all corners and edges. Wait until the primer dries before you start painting. 

In the next step, you should follow the directions to apply the paint. So start from the low parts and continue to the top. Always follow the instructions and if the manufacturer suggests applying a second coat, then you should go ahead and do it. Wait for at least 24 hours before using the painted area. 

What are the best areas to use mold-resistant paint?

What Are The Best Areas To Use Mold-Resistant Paint?

Firstly, mold-resistant paint should only be used on walls that have been treated for mold growth. Ultimately, once the walls have been cleaned and prepped, the chemicals in this paint will destroy the remaining mold and seal the area to prevent future growth of mold.

When you’re painting, you should pay special attention to the top and bottom corners where the walls meet as this tends to be a particularly cozy spot for mold to grow and thrive. 

Other than that, mold-resistant paint is ideal and recommended for rooms inside the home where moisture levels are quite high. This includes the bathroom, basement floors, and kitchens as well.

In fact, any room that is poorly ventilated and could potentially be a breeding ground for mold should be considered when using the mold-resistant paint. 

Do mold-resistant paints really work?

Mold resistant paint actually works in its required purpose.

And that is to prevent or deter the growth of mold. However, you should understand that mold-resistant paint does not kill existing mold. But that you will need to invest in a mold killing paint and primer.

So once treating any existing mold with the mold killing paint and primer etc., you should dry the walls thoroughly and thereafter apply the mold-resistant paint to prevent any mold future mold from penetrating or getting through the paint to the surface. 

How does mold-resistant paintwork?

Mold resistant paint actually does work because it contains an antimicrobial substance that gives your walls extra protection.

So any surface that is painted with this paint will have extra protection and mold spores will not be able to penetrate and get through the paint to attack the surface.

So although it won’t eliminate mold that is already growing, it will reduce the reproduction of new mold.
